Signal Lost

VR Escape Room:

Signal Lost

Can you save the space station in time?

This futuristic VR Escape Room puts you in the role of a robot engineer with a critical mission: repair a malfunctioning space station. As a true engineer, you’ll extinguish fires, connect circuits, and secure the station's vital systems. If you fail, the station will crash to Earth with millions of potential casualties... but no pressure! 😁🤖

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Euro novčanica sa krugom u sredini i zarezima na rubovima


1 player: 30,00EUR

2 players: 55,00EUR

3 players: 66,00EUR

€ novčanica sa krugom u sredini i zarezima na rubovima


4 players: 77,00EUR

5 players: 88,00EUR

6 players: 99,00EUR

The connection with the secret research station “Asgard”, orbiting the Earth, was unexpectedly lost five hours ago. Later on the station moved to a fading orbit. It is just one hour left until “Asgard” will enter the atmosphere of our planet. If the station falls on Earth, it will lead to millions of victims. You are a part of emergency team that has to restore the operability of the station systems, required to correct the orbit. To make this possible, your consciousness will be digitally integrated into the experimental model of engineer robots, which luckily are now being tested on another orbital station close by. What is hidden inside the space station that now appears lifeless and where did its crew disappear? Find answers and repair the main on-board computer to prevent a disaster.

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