
VR Horror Escape Room:


VR Horror Escape Room Sanctum offers a chilling experience for up to 6 players. In this VR escape room, your mission is to rescue your missing friend who has stopped responding. You set out on a search, venturing into a dark monastery filled with eerie rooms, where every step gives you the feeling that someone - or something - is watching you (besides the game master, of course 😁).

Dva oka, nos i osmijeh


Ikona ključa za VR Escape Room u Zagrebu


Euro valuta smještena u krugu na novčanici


2 players: 60,00 €

55,00 €

SAVINGS 5,00 €

3 players: 75,00 €

65,00 €

SAVINGS 10,00 €

€ valuta smještena u krugu na novčanici


4 players: 85,00 €
70,00 €

SAVINGS 15,00 €

5 players: 95,00 €
80,00 €

SAVINGS 15,00 €

6 players:  105,00 €
85,00 €

SAVINGS 20,00 €

You received a letter from your close friend Anna, a detective conducting an investigation of mysterious disappearances in the nearby forests. Now you have no other choice but to do everything to save her.

The world of H.P. Lovecraft is full of dark places and mystical creatures that you should stay away from. You received a letter from your close friend Anna, a detective conducting an investigation of mysterious disappearances in the nearby forests. Now you have no other choice but to do everything to save her. In the letter she asked for your help and then you never heard back from her again.. You are about to conduct your own investigation. It is time to visit an old abandoned monastery, where the cult of an ancient deity settled. You will have to risk not only your life but also your soul when you encounter the mysterious force that slumbers in the dungeon of the empty monastery. In order to find out what happened to your friend and get away from paranormal phenomena you will have to face horrifying secrets this dark sanctuary hides and solve ancient puzzles.

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