House of Fear - Cursed Souls

VR Horror Escape Room:

House of Fear - Cursed Souls

VR Horror Escape Room Cursed Souls takes you into a haunted house filled with curses and paranormal phenomena. As you uncover the secrets of this eerie home, you'll face puzzles and unpredictable occurrences. This is the perfect experience for horror fans, accommodating up to 4 players. ☠️😵

Namrgođene oči sa zašivenim osmijehom


Ikonica ključa koja simbolizira VR Escape Room izazove i rješavanje zagonetki


Euro novčanica za cijene po igraču


1 player:    30,00EUR

2 players: 60,00EUR

3 players: 75,00EUR

€ novčanica za cijene po igraču


4 players: 85,00EUR

5 players: 95,00EUR

6 players: 105,00EUR

A house with a suffocating atmosphere… rapidly flickering lights and intimidating noises emanating from the walls, though no one is inside. Eerie whispers. Sudden angry shouts. Shadows moving in the darkness. A total darkness of the unknown. The deeper you dig into the story of The House, the more The House enters your soul. The dead need the living. They need you. A mysterious and brutal murder in a small town shocked the locals. Rumor has it that one night occultists killed the entire family and cursed their souls, imprisoning them forever in the walls. Can you solve this intricate mystery? Are you truly ready to explore every corner of this dark and gloomy place to free the poor unfortunate souls of the family? Think long and hard. Should you fail, The House will devour your soul forever.

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