
VR Escape Room:

10% Discount During the Advent Season

Can you save Santa Claus, who got lost in a snowy blizzard?

Christmas is under threat! Santa has got caught in a blizzard, he has lost all the presents and cannot find his way home. Only you can save Christmas.

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Ikonica ključa koja simbolizira VR Escape Room Jungle Quest izazove i rješavanje zagonetki


Euro novčanica koja prikazuje cijene po igraču

PRICE (discount included)

1 player: 27,00EUR

2 players: 49,50EUR

3 players: 59,40EUR

€ novčanica koja prikazuje cijene po igraču

PRICE (discount included)

4 players: 69,30EUR

5 players: 79,20EUR

6 players: 89,10EUR

Christmas is under threat! Santa has got caught in a blizzard, he has lost all the presents and cannot find his way home. Only you can save Christmas. To help Santa find his house, you need to light the lights on the biggest Christmas tree in the forest. However, before you do that you’ll have to get to where Santa lives in the North Pole and get everything back in order. Find out why the magic elves refuse to work and the presents are not getting to the children. Hurry up to revive the first Christmas tree along with Santa’s best reindeer!

  • VR escape room adventure christmas with a raindeers and sleds

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  • Santa Claus house located in the north pole with a christmas lights in the virtual reality game called christmas

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  • Christmas raindeers connected to the Santa's sleds filled with presents

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  • A red rug in the middle of the wooden room with a bright star on the celing

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  • A mountan of colorfull presents in the living room in the virtual reality game Christmas

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  • A Santa Clause workshop filled with lights and presents in the virtual reality game

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  • A Santa Clause wooden workshop filled with lights and colorfull presents

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  • A santa Clause house in the north pole filled with Christmas lights in the virtual reality adventure Christmass

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  • A santa Clause house in the north pole filled with Christmas lights and snow in the virtual reality adventure Christmass

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  • A santa Clause hallway in the north pole filled with pictures of presents in the virtual reality adventure Christmas

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